Name: Lisa
Hometown: I was born in Atlanta and moved to Macon in 1992. I now consider Macon my hometown.
Position at Spillers Ortho: Front Office Coordinator for our new Macon location
Length of time at Spillers Ortho: 1 ½ years
What was your first job? I worked at First Atlanta Bank Operations.
If you could have any other job for just one day, what would it be and why? I’d be a tour guide in a really beautiful place so I can admire God’s creation.
Favorite meal/food: Mexican
Favorite band/music: I love The Message on XM. It’s very uplifting in the craziness of the day.
Favorite TV series: Chicago Med and Fixer Upper
What accomplishment are you proudest of? Raising my children has been my greatest joy!
What do you like to do in your spare time? When I have spare time (which is rare), I love spending it with family.
Any cool or hidden talents? Still looking for the hidden talent!
What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you? When my youngest child Kendall was about eight months old, we went to the Dillard House in North Ga. We were at the stable, and I had him sitting on a fence post. We were petting a beautiful horse, and out of nowhere, that horse looked down at Kendall’s knee and bit it. I was so mad at the horse, I slapped him. It was traumatic then, but it’s hilarious now.
What do you wish you were doing right now? I’d love to be at a cabin in the mountains in front of a fire pit, with a good book, watching my husband and son fish in a stream.
What is one place you want to travel right now? Ireland or Scotland
Do you have children or pets? If so, what are their names and ages? I have two daughters: Elizabeth, age 26, and Allison, age 23. Kendall, my son, is 16, and I have a son-in-law named Miguel.
Any pet peeves? Lying is my pet peeve.
What are you most grateful for in your life? God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness
Words of wisdom (or quote you like): Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. – Wendy Mass