Spillers Spotlight – Anslea, Concierge

Spillers Spotlight Questions

Name: Anslea

Hometown: Byron, Georgia

Position at Spillers Ortho: Concierge

Length of time at Spillers Ortho: 7 months and counting

What did you want to be when you grew up? A mail lady or a cymbal player

What was your first job? A nanny for the Wilson’s bakery twins

If you could have any other job for just one day, what would it be and why? A photographer. I love capturing moments in time.

Favorite meal/food: Big crab legs

Favorite band/music: Currently it’s the band Camino

Favorite TV series: The Office

What accomplishment are you proudest of? Running a half marathon

What do you like to do in your spare time? Workout, facetime family

Any cool or hidden talents? I can speak some Mandarin Chinese

What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you? One time I ran into a glass door with heels on

What do you wish you were doing right now? Sitting on the beach with a coffee, getting a tan

What is one place you want to travel right now? Hawaii

Do you have children or pets?  Not yet.

What are you most grateful for in your life? My wonderful husband and my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ!

Words of wisdom (or quote you like): God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

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